Let me paint a picture: imagine sitting by your window with the sunset's rays filling the room with light through the trees. While witnessing this, you sip your tea and pull out your current read. The pages smelling as if it was just printed off the press and the breeze from the windows lightly move your hair. You read your book, while sitting on your cozy bed, till twilight.
That picture was a little exaggerated and I kind of lost the emphasis on the point I was trying to make. Which was not about the sunset's rays, but more about the BOOKS! I thought I would share a compiled list of books I want to read or re-read over the summer. I don't read as much as I want to because I figit too much when I am trying to read and in the end, I have to read the page at least three times because my mind wanders elsewhere.,,lol.
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles DickensMoby Dick by Herman Melville* Chinese Cinderella by Adeline Yen Mah**Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan***Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden***The Color of Water by James McBride**Beowulf****Howls Moving Castle by Diana Wynne JonesGame of Thrones by George R. R. Martin
Most likely going to read with audio*Re-reads ^_^ **Have not finished***Lol..ATTEMPT to read!****
Thanks for reading-XOXO
p.s - I have a little poll going on at the bottom of the page, so if can spare twenty seconds and vote, it be be awesome!
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