I'm getting a little sad that our time with The Body Shop's 24 Days of Joy is nearly over! But still, it's exciting while it lasts...and then it's CHRISTMAS!!! :) I won't keep you in suspense. Let's get this door open!
It's an Eyeshadow Brush. I think I tried one or two The Body Shop brushes a long time ago, but I don't remember much about them if I did. I don't know if they use real hair or synthetic either and I try my best to stick to only synthetic brushes. Regardless, it a flat shader type of brush. I must admit, I don't really use brushes like this too often. It seems nice for what it is, but again, I'm not too experienced with these kinds of brushes. I tend to go for fluffier ones. Perhaps I should switch it up a bit and try it out, right? :)