There is now a movement, with an extreme Cultural Left emphasis, to get Black women and Asian men together. Some have said that this is a pairing of the two least desirable races among the genders. Black women are supposedly the least desirable women according to surveys on dating sites, and Asian men are supposedly the least desirable men according to those same surveys.
I would add here that Black men seem to like Black women just fine.
It’s also true that Asian women seem to like Asian men just fine. I just spent several days in Mountain View, an extremely heavily Asian (mostly Chinese) city in California. Most of the Chinese women were quite willingly hooked up with ordinary Chinese men even though it is a truism in HBD circles that Asian men are the least masculine men of all.
As you can see, Black women as the least feminine women and Asian and Indian men as the least masculine men get the short end of the stick. A Black woman/Asian man pairing would be bizarre. You are asking the most masculine women to pair with the least masculine men. Black women probably see Asian men as severe wimps. You are also asking the least masculine men to hook up with the most masculine women. For an Asian man to date a Black must nearly feel gay, as if he is with a man. The people at the far ends of the spectrum are the least likely to choose each other.
The argument though is that Black women and Asian men are both SOL in US culture, so these two most rejected groups will have to hook up with each other out of necessity more than anything else. I am just not seeing it. Black women probably prefer a vibrator over some wimpy Asian guy.
An Asian men probably prefer porn and a fleshlight over nearly animalistic, masculinized Black women. After all, Asian men are encultured to prefer the most feminine women of them all – their own. Why would such men who want the most feminine women choose the least feminine women? Those would be the last men to do so.
Black women are encultured to prefer the most masculine men of them all – Black men. As women choose upwards in masculinity, can you blame them? Black men are like the prize to a Black woman. Why would women who want the most masculine men choose the least masculine men? They wouldn’t. They would rather stay home and rub one out in privacy. It’s better than some wimpy guy.
So this project of getting Asian men to pair up with Black women, even out of desperation, seems like a folly. Charging at windmills may be good exercise, but it never accomplishes anything.