Hood: (Along with a lot of other pro-Jewish self-serving nonsense) – You do read comments by Dixie posters like Jess blaming Jews for everything from acid indigestion to the economy.
Along with most of Hood’s other self-serving comments (Hood is 1/8 Jewish, so perplexingly he takes a reflexively philosemitic “Jews can do no wrong” stance to everything) this is part of his typical line against antisemites. Antisemites are often not very nice people and the philosophy at its harder core is very cruel, but Hood’s explanation of it is just wrong.
This is the typical lie about most antisemites. Now, I am not saying that antisemites are wonderful people. Antisemites are definitely not good for the Jews, that’s for sure. And I consider them rather lowly human beings on the moral scale. But in Late Capitalism, morally lowly human beings are as common as weeds, since moral lowness is very useful for succeeding in our ultra-capitalist society.
Antisemitism is a very complex phenomenon and even most Jews don’t get it, falling back on the usual self-serving lies the Jews made up to make themselves feel better about so many people hating them.
In my own life, most of the antisemites that I met were former philosemites with a great deal of exposure to Jews who at some point met one too many stereotypical “nasty, ugly, belligerent Jews” and then finally broke with philosemitism and became antisemites.
The rest are simply White Supremacists whose antisemitism is all wrapped around their White Supremacism as they see Jews as waging a war against the White Race.
You are doing the Basic Jew Thing of saying all antisemites are redneck losers blaming Jews for their failures in life. It’s all crap, I assure you. I have known many antisemites, and almost none of them are like that.
However, many antisemites are indeed Southern racists. Unless you want to make a claim that Southern racists blame Jews for their failures, your argument will not hold up. Southern racists are just racists. Mostly they hate Blacks. They associate Jews as Black enablers and nigger lovers. Their argument is that Jews are trying to destroy the White race. It’s a racial and racist argument based on this notion that Jews hate Whites and want to wipe out the White race due to this hatred.
That’s all it is. It has nothing to do with success or failure or any of that crap. It is simply an outgrowth of mostly anti-Black White racism. These people are White Supremacists. White Supremacists are just ordinary Whites. I am shocked at how many of them are successful moneywise. Many are from the South.
Until you analyze anti-Semitism as deriving purely from White racism you will never understand it.
Anti-Semitism in the US traditionally was huge among rich WASP’s. My mother grew up among these types, and she has always told me that they don’t like Jews.
The whole “White losers blame Jews for their failures” is a crap line made up by…guess who? Jews! Gee, I wonder why they made up that lie? Could it be to make the Jews look better?
People dislike Jews for all sorts of reasons, but hating Jews for failing in life is not a common reason. If that’s your only analysis of antisemitism, then you do not understand the phenomenon well. I absolutely hate the Jews who run that Roth Antisemitism Research Institute in Tel Aviv, Israel, but even they would scoff at Hood’s pro-Jewish self-serving line.
Antisemitism is an extremely complex phenomenon. Of course the Roth Center gets it wrong a lot in a lot of ways, but some of the finest researchers on antisemitism have always been Jews. You need to go beyond the usual bellowing gatekeepers (antisemitism is a mystical phenomenon that is inherently irrational like psychosis and cannot be explained in rational terms is just one of their lies) to get at the Jews who have really tried to get a handle on this. And actually, some of the finest and most brilliant researchers into antisemitism have always been Jews.
Check out Simone Weil for starters. Then on to Goldberg and Linemann. Israel Shamir and Gilad Atzmon are fine with a heavy dose of caution.