Destinations Magazine

The Big Move – Competa

By Ingridd @cosytraveler

It took us some months, but Lars and I finally did it: pay a visit to the neighbouring wine town of Competa. It wasn't the drive towards it nor its location in the mountains that was difficult: getting rid of your car is.

After some minutes of wandering in the streets, you arrive at the central square, home to some fine bars and restaurants. You can orientate yourself easily by looking regularly for the church tower.

We tried the tapas in restaurant Perico and were not disappointed.

Afterwards, Lars and I walked around the church. It was quite unusual to see church windows dedicated to the local wine industry.

Every 15 August, Competa celebrates the Night of the Wine. Who knows, maybe next year we will be able to make it.

In the meantime, we have been back to Competa - now that we know where we can easily park the car! Lars and I have been enjoying tapas in La Taperia, who offer about 15 cheap and delicious varieties.

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