Hair & Beauty Magazine

The Beauty Blogger | Tag

By Shubha Juyal @shubhajuyal
The Beauty Blogger | Tag
I love tags!..Fun!!  :P
Thanks so much to the adorable Courtney from the very cute blog  Cheap But Chic Beauty for tagging me :)
  •  State that this tag was created by THE BEAU BOW
  •  Tag as many beauty bloggers as you'd like
  •  Title this post as 'The Beauty Blogger' tag

So, lets do this thing!
1) Name a beauty routine you barely do.
Eye Makeup. Simply because I suck at that. But I am trying though. Lets see..
2) Is washing your makeup brushes something you do regularly? once a week. I do not know whether its a good or a bad thing. I do not wear makeup daily so I don't use them as much...  :-/
3) How long would you last with chipped nail varnish?
Barely a minute. If, that is IF I am wearing any nail paint...I prefer nude nails. Not much of a nail paint fan.
4) How long do you put off buying/replacing a beauty item or nail polish even if you need it (i.e foundation, top coat, etc.)
I replace the stuff I love/need before they hit bottom. Sometimes, I would even stock them in advance. I am crazy like that :P
5) What is you worst beauty habit?
I bite my nails. :(
6) Name something non-beauty related that you put off all the time.
Exercising...lazy moi! ( Now I am coming off as a really bad beauty blogger)  :P
7) When going out somewhere do you leave getting ready until last minute or not?
NO FREAKING WAY! I start atleast 40 minutes prior, as I always tend to make last minute changes like "Oh! I think I should wear pumps instead of wedges" or "I think I should rather wear that white top!" . It just makes my hubby angrier :P
8) Can you commit to spending bans?
9) How organised is your makeup and nail polish collections?
It sits pretty on my dresser/cupboard...always....  :)
10) What is the longest time you have gone without writing a blog post?
Haha...More than a year actually. I started this blog in 2011 (!!!!!) But I was never a regular blogger. There was a whole year in between that I didn't write a single post as I was busy in studies. I recently restarted my blog about 5 months ago. Now I am a definite regular...for sure!!  :)
Well that was fun! I would now tag a few lovely ladies, so they can do it too!!!
Pooja Mittal  - Being Beautiful & Pretty
Charlotte MacDonald-Gaunt - Makeup By Candlelight 
Rakhshanda Rizvi - Chamber of Beauty
Subha Bose - Candycrow
Gowthami Sundaram - beauty FrontlineElena Dal Maso - Happy Beauty/Bellezze Felici
Would love to check out what you guys have to answer for the above questions!


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