The Alt Left should support equity feminists, liberal feminists and sex-positive feminists as female allies. The sex-positive ones are the best. Jezebel is a sex-positive feminist site, and I love those ladies over there!
Sex-positive feminists, well that is self-explanatory.
Liberal feminists are the enemies of the radfems who say they are pro-men, pro-porn, pro-prostitution, etc. The average feminist with a really dirty porn blog on Tumblr calls herself a liberal feminist, so they can’t be too bad. They are big on civil rights, which radfems believe is an arcane concept.
Equity feminists simply want full legal equality for women. These are the ones who say, “I want my daughter to grow up to be whatever she wants to be!”
On the other hand, the Alt Left should oppose gender feminists, the radical feminists, the lesbian feminists, the socialist feminists, the bla bla bla. Actually any female with these ideologies should probably be banned from the Alt Left as she is opposing one of the core principles of the Alt Left, which is to be male-friendly or at least not male-hostile. The Alt Left is basically a “safe space” for men.
Those are the man-haters pretty much, or else they say they don’t hate us, but they want to put half of us in prison anyway. Most of them either hate men or have a lot of anger and hostility towards men, which is not appealing. Quite a few are still having sex with men and you would be surprised how many are in long term relationships or married to men.
The gender feminists say there is this thing called “the patriarchy” that is keeping da wimminz down. It needs to be dismantled, and in the process we need to take down masculinity too, since all masculinity is this thing called “toxic masculinity.”
Along these lines, they have a long-standing goal along with Gay Politics to get rid of the idea of gender altogether. That’s why you are seeing this bullshit genderqueer people who can be man on Monday, a woman on Tuesday, both man and woman on Wednesday, neither man nor woman on Thursday, decline to state on Friday, and “it” on Saturday and a “thing” on Sunday. That’s idiocy is all part of the gender feminist and Gay Lobby goal of getting rid of gender. Dumb, huh?
And I guess some want to take down heterosexual sex or at least make it all but impossible. They also want to desexualize all public space except for designed pickup joints here and there where the genders could do their animalistic thing. Any sexual expression inside of this massive public “safe spaces” for wimminz would be sexual harassment and I think illegal.
The radfems really hate men, they think heterosexual sex is evil, say we are all evil rapists, advocate that all radfems should adopt political lesbianism as opposed to sleeping with the enemy. Oh and most of them want to reduce the male population by 90% so it is only 10% of its present size. I am not sure how they want to do that.
Lesbian feminists are somewhere in between gender feminists and radfems. I believe the radfems have some beef with them as some of them continue to associate with gay men, who, being men, are of course eeeevil.
Lesbian separatists are human beings who have gone completely insane and are trying to live a life as free of menz as possible because I guess we have cooties. Or something. I don’t know. Anyway, needless to say, they really hate us. One of the main reasons I broke with the Left and formed the Alt Left is that I opposed the policy on the Left of supporting all of these feminist nuts, including lesbian separatists.
Yes, if you are on the Left now, you are mandated to support lesbian separatists. It’s hard to hate lesbian separatists too much because they wish to avoid me, which is definitely the right idea. Hence they probably have no effect on my life other than being my harmless enemies. I do not believe we should kill the lesbian feminists, but perhaps we should put all of them on a some self-sufficient island somewhere so they don’t scare the children.
You would think that socialist feminists would be cool, but they want to ban porn and prostitution I believe, and if you go to their websites, it’s just straight up gender feminism if not radical feminism. I’m a socialist, but I suppose these women are technically comrades, but they are still my enemies and I would rather it be me over here and them over there and never the twain shall meet.
The Alt Left should oppose gender, radical, lesbian and socialist feminism because, as we oppose the bashing, hatred and demonization of Whites, we should also oppose the demonization, bashing and hatred of heterosexual men (gender feminists mostly give gay men a pass as they are some protected class apparently). The Alt Left opposes the Cultural Left, and part of what we reject is the way that the Cultural Left makes Whites and heterosexual men into the enemy.
Gender feminists are an essential part of SJW intersectionality. They’re part of the package along with the SJW “anti-racist” White-haters.
A pox on both of their houses!