Lifestyle Magazine

The 90s Tag

By Princessonfilm @Princessonfilm
The 90s TagLet’s do the 90’s Questions Tag, shall we? It’s a short questionnaire about my favorites from the 90’s. Are you ready? Let’s go!01. What Kinda TV Services Did You Used To Have ?We used to have the old Telewest Box (Now Virgin Media) and we had what was the first called cabled Television the box was huge and ugly looking, My mom i believe took the first contract out for the services sometime around 1997 - 1998 and then we have carried on with them when they became Virgin media, The account is now in my brothers name and we have TV Phone & Broadband with them and the services are excellent since the early days of cable and satellite.
02. What Was Your Favourite TV Programme ?As there was so much to choose from back then and of course TV was so much better then today and there was so much to choose from, As i used to spend a lot of time with my dad we used to watch BBC two's comedy night witch was on Friday nights and this had a lot of comedy programmes including the Fast show , Shooting Stars & Red Dwarf. I used to watch a lot of comedy stuff when i was younger and Shooting Stars was my all time favorite show as i used to watch it every Friday night since i was 7, My dad also enjoyed the show as well and i just remember watching it with my dad and just laughing my head off as it was so funny all time time. At the time i didn't really understand the format of the show and i am now 26 i fully understand the full format of the show and how it all works and it is a piece of comedy history. As the BBC axed this show in 2013 i felt really sad as i grew up watching this programme and of courser Vic & Bob and no one can ever replace this show and it was very well made and formatted as a game show. I still watch it to this day even if it is over 20 years old because it is brilliant.
03. What Was Your Favourite Toy ?
I had a original Fubry when they came out in 1998 and i can remember standing outside Torys R Us with my nan and my mom waiting to get one and it was a huge line, At time time i was 9 and this new toy was fantastic and something that i had never seen before and it was super cute as well. When i first saw it on the TV i thought it was amazing how you could actually speak to it and connect other Furbys to it it was amazing toy for a 9 year old. I also had a Furby baby that was also super cute and adorable as i loved my Furby so much!
04. What Was Your Favourite TV Commercial ?
It was the Spice Girls Impulse ad as it came onto TV i always asked my mom to go out and get me some as it was the best Impulse spray ever made, I just loved how the girls caused a massive car crash and all the cars fell on top of each other and people in the cars looking at the girls with no clothes on (Actually they did have a top on while they were filming it) and it was a excellent advert for a amazing product.
05. What Was Your Favourite Collectables ?
Everyone knows that the Spice Girls Merchandise was huge and everyone wanted a piece of it and i can remember collecting there amazing stationary range from Pens , Pencils , Pencil cases and tins as they produced a lot of stationary for school etc! I loved my long spice Girls pencil case and the pencils that came in a pack of 10 and 5 and there big rulers. I am also on the look about now for some more Spice Girls stationary as i used to love it as a kid and it was so well made as well.
06. What Was Your Favourite Game Console & Game ?
My Favourite game console of all time was my Playstation as it was something exciting for a 6 year old! My dad bought me and my brother to play with when it first came out and it was kinda expensive and at the time i already owned a Sega Megadrive and master system as i loved Sonic so we had 3 game consoles when the playstation arrived. I loved my games for the Playstation as they were so good  Crash Bandicoot was my all time favorite and i couldn't stop playing with it and then there are a few others that i loved too, SpiceWorld was a favorite of mine but i couldn't understand on how to play it and there was Porsche Challenge witch was a fun game but it did get really hard.
07. What Was Your Favourite Clothing Shop ?
That was Tammy Girl that used to be inside Etam downstairs and when i was a kid there clothes and shoes was amazing, My mom would always buy me some amazing clothes and shoes every month and it would last me ages, I had a amazing pair of platform sandals from there one year and they came in a plastic carry bag and they were lovely, I only wore them a few times and they came apart and i was gutted so much. My mom took them back and they gave me a new pair and they were the best pair of sandals that i ever had. Tammy Girl today is not the same and it is has been totally destroyed.
08. What Kinda Music Did You Listen To ?
It all started off with the Spice Girls and then it was Steps and others but i was a huge Spice Girls fan mostly as i used to have all there CD's and there amazing Merchandise and my brother got me into rave and dance music when i was about 6. My mom used to collect the Now thats what i call music cd's and there was a lot of artists to choose from and i just used to listen to a lot of those while growing up, The best Now cd's for me was Now 32 26 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 especially now 38 & 39 holds tonnes of  memories for me.
09. Do You Remember Using The Internet For The Very First Time ?
I do and i don't i do remember that my dad used to have a very old computer and i used to sit on it and play something called Paintbox and my dad used to get a lot of free software CD's from magazines that was offering the internet at low prices. There was AOL and some others witch has now all gone. I Cannot remember when i first used the internet as i Cleary cannot remember but i do recall it being very very slow and there was nothing like Facebook and twitter, We had broadband for the first time in 2002 from Telewest (Witch is now Virgin Media)
10. Do You Remember Those Famous BBC 2 Idents From 1991 ?
Yes i do remember them and the first one i saw was the Silk ident from 1991 when i was only 2 and i can remember that the music did used to scare me and i would cry as it was scary music but when i was about 3 i would hide behind the sofa when the ident came on,  As i got older they brought out some amazing Idents including the car and the fluffy dog one (Witch i still love to this day) and Neon was my all time favorite Ident. In 2002 they slowly died away and made some new Idents witch i didn't like and then in 2014 they brought them back and made some new improvements and i have seen them on BBC2 and they look fab in HD format and they look better then ever!. I am so glad that the BBC brought them back as they were the best Idents made.
11. Favourite TV Commercial ?
That would have to be the Spice Girls Impulse Ad as i loved how it was created and made, I saw the behind the scenes for it and it was well written as well. The Girls walk down a normal street with no clothes on (Actually they are wearing a boob tube top) and people look at them and they cause this massive Pill up of cars and they crash as they were looking at the Girls and then all the cars pill up on each other. It was very well produced for a very popular item from the Spice Girls.
12. Where Did You Used To Do Your Monthly & Weekly Shop ?
As we used to live not far from Town we used to do our Shopping in ASDA as it was a lot cheeper and you would get more for your moneys worth not like today, We used to spend about £200 on a monthly shop and we would have loads there and even the tins and drink was so much cheeper and household goods. ASDA where i live had a massive redevelopment in 2005 and changed the store completely and i actually loved the old store myself. I can remember seeing a bottle of lemonade for 12p in ASDA when i was about 4 years old so lot has changed in the way we shop.
13. Do You Remember The Millennium ?
Not everything no as i can remember that my brother caught the Millennium bug and he was living with my dad at the time and he became very ill and he nearly died as he was so bad. He did make a full recovery and my mom kept a eye on him and he was 20 at the time and i was 10 so it was very hard to see my brother go though this terrible illness and bug. I can also remember seeing that ASDA had some lovely gifts and products for the Millennium and i had a lovely black top with the year 2000 on in silver writing witch i loved and i don't know where its gone too now as i loved that top.
14. If you could go back to the 90s what year would you choose and why?
I would choose to go back to the year 1997 as everything was so good from TV clothes and living as i was only 8 in 1997 i would love to relive my childhood again and the Spice Girls was a huge hit with there music and Merchandise. I was also attending my special needs school and this would of been my last 3 with them before moving on to my junior school. It was a special year for me and it holds a lot of memories for me especially series 3 ep 6 of Shooting Stars witch i still watch and it just brings back a tonne of memories for me everytime i watch it.
I hoped that you enjoyed reading though my childhood memories and a video will be posted soon viva my YouTube channel.

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