Whew! Jenny is a handful. Her potty-training is rather imperfect therefore I'm taking her out Very frequently for little walks. And I'm up before the sun these days, hoping to forestall an accident. I don't dare let her off leash yet--certainly not till the collar with her name and phone number arrives. However, a few days ago when I wasn't watching, her lash broke (she'd chewed through it) and she was briefly free, running in circles like a madwoman.
She did, however, come to me when I called, which is a great relief. She knows her new name and responds to Jenny--about as well as Josie responds to my demands, which is to say, eventually. In fact, the two have a lot in common, wanting what they want NOW, needing constant attention, wanting to eat all the time . . . at least Josie's housebroken now.On the up side, this regimen of frequent walks (including middle of the night forays) and dealing with a long leash and my walking stick are, I think, acting as a kind of physical therapy. It's been not quite a week but I actually feel a bit stronger and more limber. (Needs must.)The cats will have something to say next week, if I can get some pictures. Oops, while I was writing this, I became aware of a chewing sound. Jenny was eviscerating a throw pillow . . .No, Jenny!