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That's One Sweet House!

By Therelishedroost
I have always loved Gingerbread Houses!  I would love to say that I make one each year, but I don't. I have attempted with epic failure... my walls tend to be a bit crooked each time!  However, one year I  had a wonderful baker make us one when our house was on a Holiday House tour, and that was a show stopper( Below). I am still amazed at the talented bakers out there who create such beautifully designed houses from flour, eggs and butter! Here are a few, okay maybe more than just a few of my favorite edible homes. Enjoy!

That's One Sweet House!

The Relished Roost Gingerbread House!

That's One Sweet House!


That's One Sweet House!


That's One Sweet House!

Martha Stewart

That's One Sweet House!

Martha Stewart

That's One Sweet House!

Martha Stewart

That's One Sweet House!

Top Ginger Bread homes- Good House Keeping!

That's One Sweet House!

Good House Keeping

That's One Sweet House!

Good House Keeping

That's One Sweet House!

Good House Keeping

That's One Sweet House!

Good House Keeping

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