Books Magazine

Test Post

By Anovelsource @thenovellife

I’m not sure how to start this review off. The only thing I can think of is just yelling about how fantastic it was. So…OMG! It was fantastic! Seriously, I loved every second of it. I really loved The DUFF and I haven’t had time to read Shut Out yet but I’ve heard wonderful things about it. So, I was very excited to read A Midsummer’s Nightmare.

At first I wasn’t 100% sure that I was going to like Whitley. She’s a mess. She’s completely reckless with her actions and with other people. Whitley is the kind of girl that I stayed away from in school. In spite of all that I liked her a lot. She was fierce and kind of a force to be reckoned with. I loved that she was bitchy and that she had issues. She was very believable. Her growth throughout the book was really incredible. I also adored Nathan. He was deliciously nerdy and sweet.

There a lot of focus on family in A Midsummer’s Nightmare. Whitley’s family issues go back years, but it finally reaches a boiling point when her Dad gets engaged and doesn’t tell her. Plus, he keeps choosing his new family over her. The problems were almost so bad that I didn’t know how Keplinger was going to get her out of them. That’s really my only complaint with the book, things were resolved very neatly. I might just be more unforgiving, though.

Overall, this was a really fun read. Whitley and her family are fascinating. If you’re looking for a quick read that also has depth I highly recommend this one.

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