When I think of sailors I think of Captain Jack Sparrow, Popeye and who can forget Captain Ron. I wasn’t too sure how I was going to handle taking quick showers. Wet down and rinse off. Washing my hair only once a week and not caking on some make up. I must say we’ve all adjusted fairly nicely. My hair only needs to be washed once a week, must be all that fresh air blowing it into a birds nest everyday. I still do crave a bath here and there but the most part I’m happy with the 3 minute showers and I find that my skin doesn’t get as dry as standing under a steaming hot shower for 20 minutes. The last time we took a marina shower we both timed ourselves to see how much of their water we could waste. We both couldn’t do any longer than 10 minutes, we just got bored. Living on land I swear I could stand there for 30 minutes or until I completely drained our hot water heater tank. The girls love their little bath tub and never complain about me always forgetting to wash their hair. They do detest the fact that we won’t allow them to run around naked when we’re in a close anchorage. Darn panties, they are like acid on their bums. All in all we do look a little rougher around the edges but we’re ok with that. My skin has never looked clearer and Carl is happy to wear board shorts all day. My hair is always a mess and my hairdresser family must be ashamed but that’s what hats are for. Here are some other signs you’ve spotted a live aboard:
your kids have a panty tan
you’re a little on the hairy side and boast your own version of old spice
your clothes are sun faded and wearing thin because you wear the same ones 3 days in a row
watch pre recorded TV shows that you copied from your neighbor, excited now that your only 2 years behind.
rice, beans, canned tuna are what you live on
your makeup bag now consists of a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, sunscreen
sleeping with sand in the bed isn’t the end of the world
everyone has ratty knots in their hair but no one notices because if you go anywhere you take a wind blown dingy ride.
date? I have no clue. Day and time? Did I not just clarify that I have no clue
wearing a wet arse with pride. Yeah I rode my dingy here, she’s a 15hp, 4 stroke with great stickers
walk around deck naked, you swear people are staring at your fab boat and not your junk
people ask where are you from and there’s an awkward silence

Poor little man after the girls sprayed him all over with his poop spray. Concoction of water, castile soap and lavender used instead of store bought wipes.

Don’t know whether it’s the boat or old age but we’re starting to look rather rough. Yikes.

My hair doesn’t get brushed every day and the girls only get theirs done until at least one dreadlock forms and Carl doesn’t have hair – lucky devil. Yeah we’re rough and sometimes a little on the nose but we don’t mind just don’t stand down wind from us.