Food & Drink Magazine

Telera For Your Torta

By Kalamitykelli @venuscorpiogirl

Pan Telera - Kellis Kitchen

Yesterday was my 4-year blog anniversary! I honestly forgot until wordpress sent me a little reminder. I was only a hit and miss blogger the first 2 years but the last 2 I have blogged with regularity and I have made some great friends! Just look at all of you – I enjoy posting recipes and it makes me just a little giddy when one of you comments that you just made my recipe. I love it! I know bloggers usually have fabulous giveaways for their anniversary and I have done that in the past but since I didn’t remember it was a day to celebrate, I have no giveaway. I do have two coming up that you all are going to love. I still want to do something special for you guys so just wait – it will be coming soon!

Pan Telera - Kellis Kitchen

You know how I love Tex-Mex right? There is a place in the mall where I work called La Fonda’s. I do work in a mall but it is what used to be a mall and is now a charter school and government offices and three restaurants, one of which is La Fonda’s. Top Girl’s office, since she got promoted, is in the same mall and while we both take our lunch most days every once in a while she and I will have lunch at La Fonda’s and I always have this sandwich that is heavenly – just scrumptious. The lady who runs the place told me the bread was a torta roll the owner called a pan telera. I decided I wanted to make it and since I have worked at making my own bread products intermittently over the last 4 years, I was hoping this would be the recipe that made me the Master of Bread, and it did! This is a great recipe that is so versatile that it tastes good with anything, including the corned beef with garlic aioli I made last weekend. Let me show you how I did it.


4 ¼ Cups of all-purpose flour plus more for dusting
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
1 envelope active yeast
1 ½ Cups water, divided


Preheat your oven to 170 F. When it comes up to temp, turn the oven off and turn on oven light.

Mix ¼ cup of the water at 105F with yeast and let stand 5 minutes allowing it to bloom.

Put all the dry ingredients in your mixer bowl and make a well in the center.

Pour water and yeast mixer into the center of the dough and mix it up until it is thoroughly mixed.

This dough will be very sticky so be prepared.

Wet a tea towel and wring out then cover the bowl of dough and set in oven (make sure the bowl is not plastic) for 2 hours.

Pan Telera - Kellis Kitchen

After 2 hours, take the bread out and punch it down then knead for about 10 minutes on a well-floured surface. You want it to have a smooth appearance.

Divide the dough into 10 equal portions.

Shape dough into oval, sandwich type loaves and place on parchment paper on a baking sheet then lightly score in 2 places on top of each small loaf.

Cover them with another damp towel, making sure the towel does not touch to dough because it will stick. Set back into oven for another hour.

Pan Telera - Kellis Kitchen

****See those “specks”?  They are from using whole wheat flour to dust my hands and the surface with when I kneaded it ***

Take them out and turn on the oven to 350 F then set the rolls in and let them cook for about 40 minutes or until lightly golden brown.

Take out and split them for sandwiches like this one:

Pan Telera - Kellis Kitchen

I just purchased corned beef and put it into the slow cooker with some chicken broth and the spice packet provided.

I cooked it on high for 6 hours and low for 2 hours. Then we sliced it like this:

Pan Telera - Kellis Kitchen

Took the fat off and put it on the pan telera with garlic aioli and jalapeno peppers.

My garlic aioli consists of ½ cup of mayo, 2 crushed cloves of garlic and 1/8 teaspoon paprika. Mix it up and set in fridge for at least 2 hours.

I think these telera turned out really well, don’t you?

Pan Telera - Kellis Kitchen

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