Hair & Beauty Magazine

Teeth Tattoos: Yay Or Nay?

By Kellabella @kellabel



Notice anything different on this woman’s face? Yup, that’s right she has a decal on her tooth, which is matched perfectly with her lipstick and nails.

I was on the internet  looking at different Japanese trends when I came across Tattoos for Teeth!  Am I the only one who’s never heard of this until now?

Apparently these have been around for years now, but just recently have they become the latest trend among Japanese woman. Some even match there nail art to there tooth art! Tooth decals do exist here in the U.S but haven’t caught on…yet. Who knows, we’ve seen big hip hop artists from men to woman sport grills to add some bling so why not tooth art. These temporary tattoos are applied with a special glue and last up to a few days.

There’s a man named Steven Heward who is a professional tooth artist, he actually does hand drawn paintings on your teeth, you can get a picture of your favorite celeb to any artwork you might want (painted on your tooth)!. Here are some examples of his work.


George Washington, Amy Winehouse, Elvis, Tiger Woods are just a few examples in this pic.

If you only want to try this for a day or two, they sell decals that last for only 24 hours. They come in smiley faces, emotions and other symbols. They sell these at  www.smileshop.comeach sheet of decals are priced at $3.99.


Talk about adding some BLING to your smile, they also have gemstones, colored crystals, diamonds (real or fake) which are known as dental jewelry. You would have to go to a dentist to get these put on, they supposedly don’t damage your teeth bc there isn't any drilling or holes. They are placed usually on one of your front teeth with adhesive and will last until you’re ready to take them off, they say if you have oral habits such as chewing on pens then it might not be for you.

So what do you guys think, would you ever consider getting anything tattooed on your teeth? I was surprised to find out that people actually do this, but hey who am I to judge. Personally, I can’t see myself ever trying this. I guess its just not me, I don’t even have any regular tattoos! lol.

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