Not since my time working for Anthony Weiner, have I met a more passionate American. An American who believes in a strong America and a stronger Tea Party. Have you met Susie Sampson? She's all over YouTube and Huffington Post.
"Susie Sampson is a patriotic American from Smyrna, South Carolina. Against the advice of her parents, Susie moved to Los Angeles to figure out why latte sipping, prius driving liberals don't love their country."Susie is a hybrid of Diane Sawyer, Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin dressed in patriotic-red suit and Barbara Bush pearls. She travels across America to talk to real people about real issues. Susie and I became fast "friends", discussing politics, America and Anthony Weiner. Although we don't see eye to eye on much (I am a Liberal - a Canadian LIBERAL at that), Susie has a really good pulse on the American people. How could she not? She spends hours interviewing... asking hard hitting questions... listening... hearing... and bringing to the surface deep seated fears, worries, perceptions of Americans and their politics. (Read: I can't fucking believe some of the responses). You can check out all her great interviews here but here is a sneak peek of her latest.
Lucky you, Susie has agreed to be interviewed by me. We'll switch up and I'll be the one asking her the tough questions on America, politics, the upcoming elections, Anthony Weiner and what Americans think of Canadians. If you want me to ask anything on your behalf, let me know. Look for it in the coming weeks. Super excited to see what Susie will come up with next....