-Get ready for another catchy breakup single: Taylor Swift has reportedly split from Harry Styles. I can only assume this video was the final straw.
-Justin Bieber went into full damage mode after photos surfaced of him smoking pot following his Selena Gomez breakup. His camp tried to clamp down on all his private party pics, while he busied himself with an (admittedly adorable) photo opp and showed off his hometown pride.
-Meanwhile, I’m really hoping this “cut for Beiber” crap is just a hoax.
-In happier(?) Biebs news, he might be hosting SNL soon.
-Is it possible that Kanye West and Kim Kardashian just turned down a huge offer for their first baby photos? My world is askew.
-Meanwhile, Kanye is trying to force his way into Jay-Z‘s happy family. That’s more like it.
-Just in case you weren’t already crushing on New Girl‘s Jake Johnson (seriously, are you made of stone?), this podcast will melt you.
-Sarah Michelle Gellar might give TV another go and this time, she’s trying her hand at comedy. (Well, I did laugh every time I saw that giant portrait of her face on Ringer…)
-British Vogue is throwing some shade at Kate Middleton in the new issue.
-Bellybutton-less hunk Matt Dallas just announced his engagement to his boyfriend.
-Shocking report: Dina Lohan is blaming her ex-husband for all of Lindsay‘s problems.
-On the bright side, Lindsay‘s assault case has been delayed.
-Miley Cyrus just can’t stop teasing us with wedding rumours…no matter how much we may want her to.
-Even the former showrunner of Gossip Girl had no idea that the titular blogger would turn out to be Dan. That’s ’cause it MAKES NO SENSE! #stillbitter
-ABC moved Happy Endings to Sunday nights and forgot to tell anyone about it, so its ratings tanked even harder this week, putting its future in further jeopardy.
-Meanwhile, the NBC boss is “hopeful” about Community‘s return next season. Don’t tease us!
-And now it’s time for your annual reminder that Josh Brolin is kind of a jerk. You forgot again, didn’t you?
-I don’t love the cover, but Claire Danes looks awesome on the inside pages of Elle.
-Speaking of looking awesome, Katie Holmes is fierce in her new Bobbi Brown ad.
-The official kick-off of award season is just days away! Is anyone else getting all tingly?!
-The first teaser trailer for Ryan Gosling‘s Only God Forgives has landed. (It’s super blurry and low-quality, but you can still make out his hotness).