Environment Magazine

Tasmanian Forest Defender In Jail, Needs Support

Posted on the 26 February 2014 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

tazfrom Huon Valley Environmental Centre

Nishant Datt will spend one month in jail after breaching a suspended sentence whilst participating in a protest at the Huon Valley Ta Ann mill. He was also sentenced to a further one month imprisonment wholly suspended for 18 months.

Huon Valley Environment Centre’s Jenny Weber said, “Nishant Datt has been a defender of the wild forests of Tasmania for seven years.  The newly listed World Heritage value forests are the places that he has worked tirelessly to defend from logging.”

“Those people who are aware of environmental destruction are morally compelled to highlight this. In the face of Government ineptitude and a short-sighted industry, this often calls for non-violent protest in order to prevent the loss of unique forests,” Jenny Weber said.

“If it wasn’t for people like Nishant, the Upper Florentine Valley would have been riddled with 15 clearfells, and instead remains an intact ecosystem of tall eucalyptus forest that is World Heritage listed,” Jenny Weber said.

“The State Liberal Party is proposing new laws for mandatory sentences and big fines for protesters and conservation organisations if they are elected to government.  This type of disproportionate, heavy-handed crackdown on the environment movements is designed to push a political agenda. People will remain committed to being on the frontline defending the environment as long as it is being destroyed,” Jenny Weber said.

We will conduct a prisoner support campaign for Nish, which will include posting him letters while Nish is in prison.

Please help Nish pay his legal costs by donating here.

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