Lifestyle Magazine

Tanya Burr Cosmetics My Thoughts | Review

By Princessonfilm @Princessonfilm
Tanya Burr Cosmetics My Thoughts |  Review
I was so happy and excited when Tanya burr was releasing some new products to her beauty line as i am a fan of her on YouTube and i enjoy watching her videos. I was so happy when she decided that she was gonna give her beauty line a new design and also add some new products too. At the time i was also collecting Zoella stuff at the same time and this was the reason why i couldn't get any of the original tanya burr lip glosses and in the end i never got around to place my order for some amazing  products. As she was releasing these new products i wanted to see what they was and also the price of each one because some makeup items including brow eyeshadow pallets are kinda expensive like the Naked ones witch i have had. I had a look on some other people's reviews on each item before i actually went out and bought them and people has been saying that they are very good pallets and offers a very good coverage to the cheeks and face. I wanted to get my hands on some of these amazing new items from the collection and to try and start my own little collection, Sometimes my local Superdrug doesn't always stock these items and i don't understand why that is. I had a look at the original line of stuff like the lip glosses and i absolutely loved them and i so wanted some then but i wanted for the new products to come out.
I managed to pick up the Perfect brows pallet , The peachy Glow pallet & The Rosy Flush Cheek Pallet. and i have seen the colours of each pallet and they are gorgeous and very pretty and i had no problems when i applied some to my Real Techniques face brush and applied to my face. My face was flawless and was very glam and i loved how the colours went together and how pretty it looked too.Tanya Burr Cosmetics My Thoughts |  Review
I really like the color Oyster Shell and  Champagne Shimmer these colours worked wonders on my face and i looked very glam and very pretty, The perfect brow pallet is absolutely brilliant and i have loved using it. It has everything that you would need to make your brows glam! This little kit is so stylish and pretty and so compact that you take it with you in your bag or take it on holiday with you! I have had a few brow kits in the pass and this one was so much easier to use and had all the equipment and colours was all in the same kit. I will be using this pallet for a while yet and i think that it is one of the best ones on the market. I also like how she has designed the packaging and with the brief information about the product and all about Tanya herself. The pallets also has a handy mirror inside so you can see what you are doing and also can be used for almost anything.
I think that the whole collection is absolutely stunning and very glam and not so expensive either as some cosmetics are kinda expensive and this range of makeup from Tanya burr is one of the best that i have seen value for money because there is a benefit that it has been designed so you can take it anywhere with you and it so neat and compact and also has a mirror in each pallet. I love this collection and i will continue to support Tanya and all her range of her cosmetics range and of course everything else she does in the near future.
Tanya Burr Cosmetics My Thoughts |  Review
Tanya Burr Cosmetics My Thoughts |  Review
Tanya Burr Cosmetics My Thoughts |  Review
Tanya Burr Cosmetics My Thoughts |  Review
This range of makeup is perfect for all ages and for any skin types as i have some reactions to some makeup products this range of items was fine on my skin and didn't cause any reactions anywhere on my skin though applying it and taking it off, The prices for each of the items are very good for what the item is and also the packaging too. I think that this line of cosmetics from Tanya is absolutely stunning gorgeous and flawless and i love everything from the range so far, Saying that i have only started to collect these items and i will continue to get some more over the Christmas period as there are some more pallets that i want to get and some of the christmas items too that she has only brought out a few weeks ago. When i bought these items a few weeks ago half of the christmas stock from the range was sold out and this is why i would like to get them as soon as i get some cash because this collection is very popular and i am very proud to say that i adore these cosmetics.
The collection is available on Superdrug Feel Unique 

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