Tampa Bay Crochet: The Reason for my Absence

First, I will say that I thought long and hard about whether or not to write this post. In the end, I decided that the wonderful people who are still following my blog deserved to know what has been going on during my absences. I don't write this seeking pity, only to explain that I do not intend on giving up on Tampa Bay Crochet and I am doing my very best to keep it alive.
I've had back pain ever since I was a child, but I was so active that my parents and pediatrician didn't consider it serious enough to examine further. About three and a half years ago, my back pain worsened and I started having painful muscle spasms. I saw several doctors who prescribed pain pills and told me I most likely had tailbone pain that would fade. Months past and the pain was only getting worse. My husband worked long hours and he insisted I go to Ohio for treatment so that my parents could care for me.
I flew to Ohio and began seeing specialist after specialist. First I was diagnosed with tailbone pain, then possibly endometriosis. Once my endometriosis scan was clear, my doctors were stumped. I had several steroid injections into my tailbone and pudendal nerve. None of the injections seemed to help. I was finding myself in the emergency room at least once a month in unbearable pain. I stopped going once I realized that all they could do was inject me with pan killers and discharge me. Then, came the worst news of all. After being released from the hospital, my husband called to tell me he didn't want to be married to me anymore. I asked if I could come home and talk about it, then he told me he had already moved and I could come pick up my clothes at the old apartment which was unlocked.
My mom and I flew down to Florida the next day while my dad drove down to meet us. I had to use a wheelchair just to get on the flight. Once there, all i find were a few boxes of photo albums and some of my less expensive clothes. I tried calling to talk to my husband but he wouldn't return my calls. To this day I have no idea why he decided to end our ten year marriage.
As if all of this wasn't bad enough, my dad lost his job. He was luckily enough to find a replacement quickly but it meant we were moving to Georgia. I had to find a new primary care physician, rheumatologist, endocrinologist and orthopedic surgeon. After several visit and some abnormal blood tests, I finally had my answer. My rheumatologist diagnosed me with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome type 3. Basically, my connective tissue, ligaments and tendons are too lax and do not properly hold my joints in place. I never knew I was hypermobile, I always just thought I was flexible. The worst symptom of EDS is the chronic joint pain and frequent dislocations and hyper-extensions of my joints. Some days when the pain is extreme, I have a hard time just moving around my house.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for EDS. But, I take supplements and see a team of doctors to help manage my condition. I am still in pain everyday but I have good days and bad days.
To make a long story short, this is why I have been absent from my blog over the past few years. However, I am very determined to work on it as much as I can. I do not want to end up on disability, like so many others with EDS have, so I am desperately trying to make Tampa Bay Crochet work.
Thank you for reading my story and supporting my blog. It truly means more to me than you will every know.