Salted Caramel Sauce .Caramel sauce with sea salt.Awesome.
Yup, I know everything sweet is indeed awesome.I'm still trying to recreate Top Chef Masters Chef Flyod Cardoz's tamarind flavoured caramel sauce.This time too... Couldn't until today.And then, it suddenly happened.I guess I need to go and eat at Bombay Canteen again just feel that fuzzy yumminess again.But sometimes,disasters strike and this is something that happens to the best of all cooks or chefs or tryers in the kitchen.The sauce splits.The cream curdles and the sauce is a lump of goo.But worry not.Caramel sauce is Salvageable .I was busy chatting with a friend on the phone and forgot to turn off the heat and stir like crazy when I added cream to the cooking caramel.And my cream curdled.And split and the sauce looked downright yucky.So a hundred grams of butter would have gone down ,clogging drains. So I decided to save the Brihan Mumbai Municipal Corporation and sieve the sauce.But before I sieved the sauce, I added a little magic.A spoon of tamarind purée.Ok.So the story is in pictures.As you can guess,I am not feeling extremely verbose these words are on vacation.
A cup of granulated sugar in a steel saucepan,set on a slow simmer.
100 GMs of butter cut into small squares.
The sugar slowly turns Amber. You should swirl the pan or use the spatula. Because I was chatting on the phone, I guessed spatulas would be better.
The butter added.And stirred in.
At this stage you should turn off the heat and pour the cream SLOWLY. The caramel sauce will rise and you need to stir. Only after you have mixed the cream in, return to heat and allow to cook a minute.And this should have been the time to add a spoon of Dabur tamarind purée ( or your own extract- just add more than a spoon ).Allow it to boil once.Then turn off the heat and add in a spoon of sea salt.But I didn't. I just dumped the cream in. So the cream curdled.So I stirred. Thought of throwing the sauce, but it smelled good. So threw in the spoon full of sea salt. Stirred.
Place a clean sieve over a microwave safe bowl and pour the hot sauce into it.Just stir to allow the sauce to pass through and the solids will be left back.Like so. Allow it to stay awhile and then dump the sieve into a bowl of hot water to make washing easier.
Microwave the Tamarind Caramel sauce on the lowest setting for a minute and pour into a jar.
One Nutella jar worth of Tamarind Caramel Sauce with Sea Salt.Place in a bowl of warm water before you pour over your chocolate cake or carrot cake or ice cream.And enjoy the "I don't know where I've tasted this " Tamarind Caramel Sauce.So if you can have the pleasure of a Top Chef cooking for you, do. If not , make your own.
PS, my sauce is dark because the tamarind purée is almost brown.
So what are you baking today???