From the 1985 album Little Creatures, which I am not familiar with. This is as good as Fear of Music (1979).
Great music! When they came on board, they bridged the 1970’s and the 1980’s. They were called early punk rock because no one could think of anything else to call them. I prefer to call them Art Fag Rock. I mean they came out of Art School, what else do you call bands that come out of a venue you like that. I actually interviewed an early LA punk rock group called the Art Fags. They were really cool! And they weren’t gay at all of course (this was 1979, remember?) although nowadays they would have to be.
I saw them in 1979 at UCLA in one of their first US performances. Oingo Boingo was there! It was great! Outdoors concert. I will have to look it up to see the date. You guys missed it. A legendary great early punk rock show at UCLA, of all places. The ghost of Jim Morrison was looking on from the second floor of the Art Building. He was smiling because his voice was still alive in the City of Night where he started it all so long ago.