Health Magazine

Talk On Intestine : Feel Your Body Series II

Posted on the 27 November 2011 by Medicalminds @Sarina_Med

Talk On Intestine : Feel Your Body Series IITalk On Intestine : Feel Your Body Series II

Intestinal Obstruction:

The Intestine is the organ that comes after the stomach.

Intestine is divided into two parts: the Small Intestine and the Large intestine.

The function of the Small Intestine is to reabsorb the digested food particles also called as chyle.

The function of the large intestine is to store the undigested food material and release it at a timely interval.

What is intestinal Obstruction?

Like any obstruction , it means the intestine is blocked and as a result , just imagine what happens when a water pipe at your home is bloked?, the water stops traveling and the area above the obstruction gets distended, the same happens to your gut wall (intestinal wall ).

What are the types of Intestinal Obstruction?

Dynamic and Adynamic varieties

The Dynamic variety more common is the IO where peristalsis is persistent even after obstruction and the adynamic variety is the opposite of that.

Common causes of Dynamic Variety

• Intraluminal ( Inside the water pipe )
Foreign Body
Hair bolus ( eaten by mentally incompetent people )

• Luminal (Pipe)
Crohns disease
UC ( Ulcerative Colitis )

• Extraluminal ( Outside the Pipe)
Large mass: Cancerous mass

Common causes of Adynamic Variety
(Mostly happens in post operative conditions)

• Paralytic Ilieus
• Mesentery vascular obstruct
• Pseudo Obstruct

What to Expect?

• pain in your abdomen , right or left side , upper side or lower
• fullness of abdomen
• vomiting
• constipation

What should you do?

Please please give a proper history about any previous surgery; do you have a genetic condition? please share your family history.

How long have you been suffering from the above mentioned factors? Is it persistent? Then go to your doctor! You don’t want to create surgical disaster by just waiting for the symptoms to go, do you?

Happy Digesting People !

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