August 19, 2013, admin, Family, Guest Posts, Holidays, Photos, , 0
This post first appeared on the Teletext holidays blog.Teletext recently produced a report about the Great British Holiday Report which includes many facts and comes to the conclusion that you don’t have to spend a fortune to have a great holiday. My post today is to try and help you capture those amazing moments from your holidays which you will treasure for years to come.
Before I start I have to say I am by no means a great photographer, I enjoy taking photographs and looking back at them but I wouldn’t say I am an expert by any stretch of the imagination!
So, what do I think makes a fun holiday photo? For me, when I look back at photos I have taken, I want to see pictures of the family, not just scenery and landmarks. Although I like looking at the scenery I personally prefer those photos with my family members in them too. Personally I think it jogs my memory more and helps me to remember where we were and what we were doing.

As the way we are taking and storing photos is changing it no longer matters how many photos you take (not like in the old days where you were restricted by the amount of photos on a film then had to wait ages to get them developed!). You can experiment more with different angles and poses and, because you can look at them immediately, if they are no good you can just press delete and try again! Also, with most people having smartphones connected to the internet from anywhere, you can share your photos straight away. I love seeing people post photos of themselves on holiday having fun whilst they are still there!
Here are my top tips for creating fun holiday photos:
1. You and your family are what make your photos fun and unique – use yourselves!

2. Find things to pose with – landmarks, statues – anything that you can find that will remind you of where you were and how much fun you were having.

4, Some of my favorite photos to look back on are those which have been taken when the subject didn’t know. I love catching my children having fun and doing what they do naturally without forcing them into any silly poses.

5. Having said no. 4, I do think as children get older it is nice to get them to do some silly poses that bring out their cheeky personalities. I remember hating having my picture taken as I got older so I’m taking as many of my children as I can whilst they are still young enough to enjoy it!

I hope I’ve been able to give you some inspiration for your holiday photos – I love to look back at ours and remember how much fun we had on a particular holiday. Do you have any tips I have missed, I would love to know?!