I always start with the best intentions and this month was no exception as I really wanted to be posting more in January. Unfortunately though, life got in the way (as it usually does). Extra hours at work, making the most of my time with David as it has been his exam period, and getting another cold have pretty much summed up my life lately and when I've not been doing anything, I've just not been in the mood for blogging. Instead I've been loving nothing better than lighting a candle, getting cosy and watching my latest TV obsession in the form of Once Upon A Time, and I have to say that this combo has resulted in a very happy Kirsty! I know that Christmas has come and gone but I couldn't stop myself from lighting my Christmas Cookie Yankee Candle and oh my gosh, it makes my bedroom smell like a cake shop. It's not too strong but just sweet enough to lighten up my mood and I'm sure I'll be burning some more of it before I put it away for next winter.
This post has turned into a bit of a ramble but I suppose I just wanted to say that I'm still here and I'll be posting again very soon as I've definitely caught the blogging bug again. I hope you're all well!