And a very good morning to you all, especially to the car owners out there as I am sure that you will understand where this is coming from and why I am taking a break from my regular blog material.
A few days ago, at 7:15 a. m., I took my five-year-old, pale blue Subaru Impreza for its yearly test. I was rather apprehensive as my daughters and sons-in-laws felt that I should replace this vehicle and purchase an up to date model which they said would be more reliable for an ‘older driver.’ Well, imagine my relief when my ancient vehicle passed the test without the tiniest hiccup.
Both grandma and grand-car are well and in good shape, thank you. I was thrilled probably because I do not see the need to replace my old faithful, but also because I wanted to show the children that for a change, I’d made the right decision. I decided to spoil my car and took it for a well-needed carwash where I splurged and let them give the old girl a good scrub down, both inside and out. That car needed it. When I emerged from the carwash, It looked so squeaky clean and shiny that a friend even asked when I’d bought a new car.
I have to admit that once, for a period of a few weeks, the car had let me down, but most of the time, has been my reliable and faithful friend. What she needs is a great deal of TLC and she gets it from me.
As soon as we got home and I’d parked in the carport, I called my sons-in-law and told them what a great performance ‘old faithful‘ had put on at the Testing Garage. They laughed, especially when I told them that for another 365 days, I won’t have to worry about buying a new car.
To all the drivers out there … have a great day and drive carefully.