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Taigan Spring Spruce Up!

By Therelishedroost
If you are like me you cannot wait to open windows air the house out and add Spring accessories to spruce up the place!  I love the email I received from Taigan all about sprucing up. I thought I would pick some of my favorite fresh colorful pieces that would be sure to spruce up any dull Winter interior .
Check out Taigan and find what speaks to you, they also have wonderful clothing and accessories as well!

Taigan Spring Spruce Up!

Start with opening the windows and Geranium/mint candle!

Taigan Spring Spruce Up!

Taigan Spring Spruce Up!

Taigan Spring Spruce Up!

Taigan Spring Spruce Up!

Taigan Spring Spruce Up!

Taigan Spring Spruce Up!

Taigan Spring Spruce Up!

Taigan Spring Spruce Up!

Taigan Spring Spruce Up!

Taigan Spring Spruce Up!

Taigan Spring Spruce Up!

Taigan Spring Spruce Up!

Taigan Spring Spruce Up!

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