Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

T is for Trust

By Misslara16 @misslara
This is the first time i will be writing a post on this topic, i  find this topic very sacred, intersting and scary at the same time. Its such a touchy subject that most people would rather not discuss... over the years i have come up with my version of what trust should be how it works and who desrves and who doesent deserve same.
First things first, Trust God, he deserves it, wants it and you need it. he has earned it, and still is looking for everyway to earn more and get you to trust him completely believe me he has your back.
Trust your spouse give freely, give more if he/she has earned it. i will say its better when you entrust your spouse into Gods hands. That way there is more security because if you believe it or not your spouse is Human. That's how i see it.
Trust your friends but be wise. It is foolishness to know that a person is of questionable character and still put your 'whole life' into their hands. I love the bible, its such a complete book, 'wisdom is profitable to direct' it says... trust in line with wisdom.
Some people do not deserve your trust, that now will be personal, you know who does and who doesn't.
Basic lesson i have learnt is to trust God completely and Entrust my every relationship into his hands. I have also learnt to be wise in dealing with humans, friendships can be hard when you trust a person but its not mutual or you are let down, do not let this destroy the beautiful ability you have been endowed with, Love. Love love and love again, build friendships and enjoy the beauty of life.

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