Really it is either Assad or the Muslim Brotherhood, that is what it boils down to. Assad is the only way that a secular government stays in Syria. The main opposition party in Syria for the last 40 years has been the Muslim Brotherhood. It makes sense that most of the rebels are MB.
When those wonderful Syrian rebels took over the city of Homs, they threw 80,000 Christians out of the city. This is what they will do in any and every city they take over. There are no moderate Syrian rebels or their numbers are so small that they are meaningless.
The US solution is let’s fund the moderate rebels so they can defeat both Assad and the MB and other Islamist radicals. They will put in a democratic, pro-US government that supports human rights and civil liberties.
This is a perfect example of what they other post was talking about when it said that for every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, logical and wrong. That is exactly how we should describe that the solution in italic above.