This DYI Super Smooth Body Lotion works incredibly well, is easy, cheap, and makes GREAT Christmas presents! Eliot's Eats originally first made it and I just love it. I like to dress it up with essential oils to really get that boutique lotion smell. I have made several batches of DIY Body Lotion using the smaller bottles to go in the treat tins I am making for mother to give to all her Lady Posse' in the senior apartment complex. If you spend more than you should at Bath & Body Works, like I used to, then this recipe is for you! Most of of the ingredients are available at the Dollar Tree or Dollar General stores.
Here's what you will need:
Super Smooth Body Lotion with Essential Oils
8 oz. of Vitamin E Cream - $3.78
13 oz. container of Vaseline - $2.00
15 oz. container of nighttime calming baby lotion - $2.00
Small plastic containers to put extra lotion in - $2.00 or reuse what you've already got.
Total: $10.00 (tax included) at Dollar General Stores
Optional: Essential Oils for different scents
Directions:Put everything in a bowl and mix it up until creamy. I used my stand mixer and the whisk beater. If you are adding essential oils, about 10 drops seems like plenty to me. I like to experiment with different scents. Make sure they complement Lavender since that is already part of the scent. Here are a few ideas.
Lavender and Lemon
Add 10 drops of Lemon Essential Oil to your lotion mix. You already have some Lavender scent from the baby lotion.
Lavender and Chamomile
Add 10 drops of Chamomile Essential Oil to your lotion mix.
Rosemary and Lemon
Add 5 drops of Rosemary Essential Oil and 6 drops of Lemon Essential Oil
Back to the lotion....

Peel the existing labels off any containers you intend to reuse, wash out the containers and allow them to dry. Fill or refill your containers using a funnel. Here's the trick: put the funnel in the top, spoon some lotion in and then gently squeeze the container until it blows air through the lotion in the funnel. When it retracts, it will suck the lotion into the container! If you need a little extra help, heat it up in the microwave for about 20 seconds. That will make it easier to go down through the funnel.

Once they are all filled, clean up the outside and allow them to dry. You can put cute labels on like I have here from Free Pretty Things for You. Rocket thought some of his Spiderman stickers would look good on the small ones so we put those on, too.
A bunch of Christmas presents for about $10 is a pretty darn good return for your money and it honestly took very little time.