Sunday Serenade is A Novel Source Feature that highlights and “serenades” a special blog. This is probably my favoritest thing in the world to do on my blog – learn about other bloggers, what inspires, desires and specialness these incredible individuals have.
Today, we are serenading Audrey from holes in my brain. She has a gorgeous site filled with quirky book news, YA thorough reviews, and purple polka-dots that I simply adore! If you’ve had the pleasure of meeting Audrey on Twitter or visiting her blog then you’ve probably witnessed her fun-loving, but incredibly sweet nature. If you haven’t met Audrey, then you are in for a treat……
How do you carve out time for blogging, reading, family and life? Very badly! I feel especially this past year, life has gotten in the way of my blogging, but now I’m trying to get more into the groove of reading and reviewing. I think for me personally, I make sure that I have my priorities straight and I make sure that blogging remains a hobby that I enjoy, not a chore. And reading has always been something I love so I read when I have time and I’m not doing other things. Audrey, that is also something I struggle with ~ where’s the balance in loving reading & reviewing without allowing it take over your whole life ~ there is definitely a fine line I have found! If your house caught on fire and you could only grab 3 books on your way out the door ~ which books would you save? That is just cruel, woman! I hate picking favourites, but I think I’d have to say my signed copy of Froi of the Exiles by Melina Marchetta, my aussie ed of On the Jellicoe Road (also by Melina Marchetta) and my UK edition of The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (because I adore that book and that cover).

Sarah Dessen & Audrey
Hahaha I’ll say Sarah Dessen, and I’d ask her if she’d want to go shoe shopping with me. I adore her books and she’s the first author I had ever met, and I loved her shoes! (and there’s a picture of me and Sarah!) Thank you so much for having me on your blog! Beautiful picture Audrey…and I would love to go shoe shopping with my favorite author too, or actually do just about anything ~ shoe shopping sounds like a little slice of heaven. So wonderful you were able to meet Ms. Dessen. Isn’t she great! I love Audrey’s sense of humor! And Audrey, thank YOU for taking the time to hang out on my blog today. You are one cool Canadian cat! Take a moment to stop by holes in my brain and check out Audrey’s rating system and unique, fresh perspective! Happy Sunday!