My reading this year has been woeful, I've probably only read about 2-3 books....unheard of for me!
Spare"time just seems to be spent doing other things, generally house-related....
my time is often spent poring over decoration/house/home magazines looking for inspiration.
Or Pinterest.
Even more reason therefore to look forward to the books I plan to read this summer aka the books that I smuggle abroad hidden in the whole family's luggage....no Kindle for me ;)
What's on my list? Well, Donna Tartt's "The Goldfinch" since everyone appears to be either talking about or reading it....I have also heard excellent things about Meg Wolitzer's "The Interestings".
The only recommendation I can offer right now is Kate Atkinson's "Life After Life" which I read in a weekend & loved.
I need some suggestions please....share your best recent reads or planned summer reads with me....
Every year, I write a Summer Reading List on my blog which has always include recommendations from readers, I am looking forward to this year's :)
To see previous lists, see here , here , here & here .