Books Magazine

Summer Lovin’ RaT Day #5 The Book Shimmies

By Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

Hello fellow  bloggers and read-a-thon participants!  Today’s participation post from the ladies at Read-a-Thon Central is an update on how the reading has been going so far.  I have to say that I’m not anywhere near my stretch goal, but I’m well on the way to my workable goal.  So far I’ve managed to get trough 5 books cover to cover (so about a book a day), if I didn’t have to do that pesky thing called going in to work I’d probably be at ten…but I also wouldn’t have money to pay for all these fabulous books so I guess it’s a draw.

The books I’ve finished are:


Dark Places by Gillian Flynn

2) After Death (Anthology) edited by Eric Guinard


 The Mine by John Heldt


Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher


Stolen by Lucy Christopher

The books I’d like to finish by the end of the read a thon include:


Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell


Eating Kimich and Nodding Politely by Alex Clermont


 The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman

I’ve got a full day of work Saturday so I might only get 2 of these books finished but I’m impressed by how much this read-a-thon has improved my books per week quota.  While I’m going to continue the hard core reading I’m taking a few hours off today and Sunday to catch up on my cross-stitch (which I’m actually  starting to really miss).

How are you all doing with your read a thon challenges?  Any post RaT books to recommend?

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