Experimenting with hues Cold seasons are the perfect time to darken your locks. Choose your natural shade to just a shade darker to complement the dreary cold days and the heavier clothing that you're wearing. For Indian skin tone, try warmer colors to suit your complexion. One can go for darkest brown, golden honey blonde and deep red to be as dramatic as the cold weather. Burgundy is another popular color on olive and yellow skin tones.

Romantic Curls
The winter season also means a whole lot of parties, flirty-romantic curls, last minute shopping and much more. Be dramatic and create loose ringlets in your hair and pin back one side behind your ear with a pearly or jewel-toned hair clip.

Braids, knots and bunsBraids, knots and buns are great for winter as well. While summer is all about windswept, beachy hair, winter seasons are all about looking polished with warm winter jackets, thick sweaters, and turtlenecks. Having your hair pulled back simply in a bun, braid, or knot helps your silhouette and complements bangs for winter. Particularly for darker hair in winter, these styles are great ways to keep your hair from adding onto bulky winter clothing, to give you a complete look all around.