First up, I just want to apologize about the length of time between this and my last post! I had originally planned this to go up last Tuesday (or so I thought), but little did I know I had actually set it to publish this Tuesday coming, a week late! Ahhhh with all the craziness that is university at the minute I didn’t notice, but more on that later this week when I do a little life update. I hope you’re all having a nice March and like what I’ve picked from Ralph Lauren to go along with the style guide!
The Ralph Lauren style guide is a helpful little tool to give you a few tips that will update your wardrobe quickly and easily, getting you ready for spring and mixing up your style a little! Number 2 was my favorite out of all of them as I think this represents my style the most, everyday for university I don’t really have time to do much other than put on a tshirt and jeans, but to be honest I don’t mind. It’s effortlessly stylish although simple, and paired with a cool pair of shoes you’re onto a winner. Those silver ones are a bit extreme for my usual style but there is something about them I just love, when it is next student loan day again?….
Rule number 5 is all about transitioning your winter wardrobe to Spring and what would be a more perfect way than adding a few pastels in there? As someone who is obsessed with black and white, this is one that I do find tough, but every year I try my best and I now have a few pastel shirts waiting to be worn. I love a ‘smart casual’ look so a nice shirt underneath a comfortable jumper is definitely the way forward, especially in England where Spring doesn’t necessarily mean warm! Plus, nobody knows if you’ve ironed your shirt or not, double win.
The last rule I thought I’d have a go at is one that’s a little smarter and more sophisticated, and definitely not something you’d usually find me in around the lab! Silk blouses ooze class and when I finally graduate and move to the world of adults in real jobs, I hopefully will be dressing like this every day. It reminds me of a super stylish 35 year old with an amazing career, yet who still is into fashion and wants to look good, and probably does pilates (I may have just described my favorite lecturer and life idol).
What do you think of the Ralph Lauren style guide, which rule is your favourite? Although it’s a choice between 2 and 5 as my favourite, I’ve never worn my leather jacket when I’ve been all dressed up before so I’ll definitely be trying that next time I’m going out! Keep an eye out over on my Instagram and I’ll show you when I do!
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