Everyone knows what it’s like to be tired, but those suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) are more than just tired all of the time. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome leaves its sufferers exhausted to the point that even a short walk around the block will send them to bed too worn out to even do what it takes to live a normal life–and yet they used to run several miles a day. The big problem is that this exhaustion goes on and on, day in and day out for months or even years.
How Many Are Affected by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that this debilitating disease affects 100,000 to 250,000 Americans, but many researchers believe that CFS is far more common than this. Chronic fatigue syndrome is three times more prevalent in women than in men and is most common in younger adults, with 90% of cases in the 25-50 year age range.
Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
The CDC’s formal set of diagnostic criteria for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is defined as:
1) Unexplained, persistent, or relapsing fatigue that is not a result of ongoing exertion, is new (not lifelong), is not alleviated by rest, and results in a substantial reduction in previous levels of occupational, social, or personal activity
2) The occurrence of four or more of the following symptoms that have persisted or recurred for 6 or more consecutive months and that do not predate the fatigue:
- Substantial impairment in short-term memory or concentration
- Sore throat
- Tender lymph nodes
- Muscle pain
- Multi-joint pain without swelling or redness
- Headaches of a new type, pattern, or severity
- Unrefreshing and/or interrupted sleep
- Post-exertional malaise lasting more than 24 hours
- Sensitivity to odors, noise, bright lights, medications, and various foods
A Study Investigates the Impact of Chiropractic on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients
In a study conducted by Dr. H. Charles Woodfield, DC and Marshall Dickholtz, DC., nineteen subjects diagnosed as having CFS according to the 1994 CDC diagnostic criteria were studied. Male and females between the ages of 18 to 65 years of age were considered when presenting a history of persistent chronic fatigue.
Patients who were fatigued six (6) or more months and who met four (4) or more diagnostic criteria were evaluated for study inclusion. Data and study administration were conducted using a practice based research protocol. Patients were monitored for a period of six months to insure Atlas alignment was maintained and then retested with the outcomes measures.
Results of the Study
The results at the end of the study revealed a significant increase in the General Health component, from 30.3 pre to 55.6 post (p<0.001) and Mental Health, from 46.4 to 68.6 (p<0.01). The overall PSQI score decreased from 12.1 to 6.1 (p < 0.05).
The study goes on to report that unlike treatment approaches for some chronic illnesses, where measurable changes recorded immediately after an intervention dwindle or vanish over time, the patients’ SF-36 scores continued to improve compared to baseline; appreciably at three months, and substantially at six months.
The study concludes by stating that “This alternative to medical care seems to offer a possible solution to the enigma faced by CFS patients desiring improvement of their condition dictated by their diagnosis.”
Treatment with a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Specialist in Augusta GA
As chiropractors in Augusta GA experienced with creating customized treatments specifically for chronic fatigue syndrome, we have successfully helped patients with their fatigue and lack of energy.
Chronic fatigue syndrome can be discouraging to deal with, but it is certainly treatable with our specialized treatments. As one of the few Augusta GA Chiropractors that are able to provide treatments combining cold laser therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome treatments, we welcome you to schedule a complimentary consultation to find out if your condition would be a candidate for our customized treatments.
The Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic Blog is written by Dr. Mark Huntsman.
For a chiropractor in Augusta GA, Georgia Clinic of Chiropractic provides customized treatments to Augusta GA, Martinez GA, and Evans GA patients. Visit the main website at www.georgia-clinic.com for customized treatments.
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