Fashion Magazine

Stud Flood

By Trendrighter @trendrighter
This should come as no surprise to most of you readers... Studs are a must and they are flooding the market. It's all the craze to do it yourself in some of the following cases. You can see how these creative fashion lovers take anything ordinary and studify them into a magical trendy piece.
The looks I am loving~
Stud Flood
Here are some fun video's on how to DIY~
Stud Flood My favorite video on studding jeans: Watch Here
Stud Flood Other video favorite on studding a collar: Watch Here
These are some reasonable priced ones already done~
Stud Flood Fashion Frank for $54.31 buy here
Stud Flood Fashion Frank for $54.31 buy here
Stud Flood for $69.00 buy here
Stud Flood And when all else fails.... run a search on for studded shoes... or studded anything. Support your fellow creative comrade! search here
Stud On!  L 

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