Fashion Magazine

Stress Less and Wear More Denim

By Suma @ThFabJunkie

Stress Less and Wear More Denim
Hey Loves!
You ever have one of those days when you just need to escape and recharge? That's the day I had a few weeks ago. I thought wearing my favorite leopard  booties were going to make me feel better but needless to say that didn't work. It started that morning when I woke up fifteen minutes late. I like to give myself enough time in the mornings. I'm that annoying girl who likes to do their makeup in the morning. No, I don't have superpowers or anything, I just like to look "put together". So, yea that was that. It threw off my whole day and things just got progressively worse. Work was hectic and craze. Those of you who don't know, I work with special needs children. I love my job but on that particular day, things just felt out of wack. At this point in my story, you're probably wondering what I'm trying to get at or you might have even scrolled past all this and already started looking at the pictures. I promise I have a point. 
When I have days like this, there are a few things I can do. I can literally run away, which is never an option because I don't own running sneakers. OR I can suck it up and deal with it. I tend to suck it up and deal. I put together a list of "To Do's" when days like this come around. I call it my "How to Deal When Life Makes You Want To Run Far Away" List. It's kind of a long title but I feel it covers all ground. Stress Less and Wear More Denim
1) Indulge: When I say "indulge" I don't mean grab a box of Godiva and go to town. Unless that is what makes you feel better. I really mean dive into something that makes you feel amazing. It could be taking your favorite class at the gym, or stopping at your favorite store to pick yourself up something small. What ever it is, make sure it makes you feel great. 
2) Relax: Sometimes after a long crazy day, we tend to want to jump into bed and just pull the covers over our head. Before doing just that, take the moment to "chill out". Our bodies and mind need time to decompress. I like grabbing a latte and coming home and just veg out for a moment. Not for too long because that always ends in an adult nap. So I just take a few minutes with myself and "chill". 
3) Reboot: I know this sounds simple but sometimes it can be the hardest thing for humans to do. "Rebooting" doesn't mean to just sleep it off. It means so much more. When adults reboot, we need to hit all the aspects of life. The mind, body and soul. Rebooting your mind means to sometimes unplug. Put the gadgets down and take in the things around you. When it comes to you body we tend to eat shitty unhealthy when we're stressed. Don't stress eat, you'll just feel crappy after. With all of that, your soul will thank you. I promise.
Stress Less and Wear More DenimStress Less and Wear More Denim
Outfit Details: Shirt + Booties: Target/ Denim + Tank: Old Navy/ Coat: Kensie/ Sunglasses: Sunglass Spot/ Charger: Ankit 
Stress Less and Wear More DenimStress Less and Wear More DenimStress Less and Wear More Denim
In conclusion, Stress Less and Wear More Denim. Just kidding, I know life isn't that simple but you can find simple gratification in life. On that crazy day, I came home, touched up my blush and then went out to take some photos with the latte I treated myself to. I hope this post can help slow you down when having a day when you feel like running away. Wait, did that just rhyme? Until next time........
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