Arts & Crafts Magazine

Store Wide Sale Now on

By Partycraftsecrets @partycraftsecrt
STORE WIDE SALE NOW ON It's no secret that I started Partycraft Secrets in amongst the busy buzz of the Internet world in the humble hope that it might be a single-source resource for time-poor parents looking for craft inspiration, to assist them in planning their children's parties, and simply to provide some daily motivation to craft with their children or experiment with new techniques or materials for the sole satisfaction of improving themselves.
Well.  If you can believe it; it's now been almost one full year since went live giving away how-to guides, free art-downloads for kids, and selling ebooks, filled with party planning ideas, printable templates, colouring in sheets, make'n'take projects, and boredom busting activities you can do with toddlers through teens...

And to celebrate this fantastic milestone, I'm holding a STORE WIDE SALE 
Absolutely every product is on sale!!
That includes the brand new printpaper releases, added yesterday; Halloween, Baby Shower and Movie Magic.

All printpaper packages were $5.50 are now $3.50.
All ebooks were $19.50 are now $9.50.
The customised silhouette package (featuring your own family faces) is reduced from $50 to $25.

Prices are in Australian dollars, so the new prices equate to about:
US $3.66 / $9.92 or EURO $2.99 / $8.11 or Canadian $3.68 / $9.98
Payments are processed by Paypal and the ebooks and printpapers are sent to you digitally so you can start using them straight away.
If you're not sure whether it's something you can use; experiment with the FREE printpapers on the site, have a look at the images from other real parties to see what ideas and prtinables they used (ballet / mermaid) or be bold, buy one, and experiment...
In case you're wondering: the best sellers this year have been The Jungle Ebook and the Ballet Printpaper.
So go on everyone - help me celebrate my first birthday and stash up on some crafty goodness this month in preparation for Halloween, Christmas, Valentines, or just because it's fun to be one!!

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