Politics Magazine

Stop the DNC Before It Kills Again!

Posted on the 16 September 2016 by Calvinthedog

The Alt Left of course opposes the horrific DNC Clintonite wing of the Democratic Party which is on record for rolling back and even getting rid of Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the whole nine yards. I have seen the DNC documents. Yep, the DNC is actually on record (in secret) of getting rid of the entire welfare state. They hoped to have gotten this seriously underway in the 2020’s, with heavy rollback by 2025 and full rollback by 2030. I am serious. The DNC is actually on record saying just that!

They say essentially that all of these things are on the wrong side of history, neoliberalism having won in 1990 with the collapse of the USSR. They sound exactly like rightwingers who equate the welfare state with “failed socialism” and Communism when they say that, and of course, DNC Clintonites are rightwingers.

These people are Corporate Democrats. That is the best and most sensible way to look at the DNC crowd, (((Debbie Wasserman))), (((Henry Kissinger))), (((Victoria Nuland))), (((Donald Kagan))), (((Robert Rubin))), (((Larry Summers))), Joe Biden, John Kerry, Obama, and the rest of the despicable Clintonite types. (((Dick Morris))), the poisoner of the well of Bill Clinton’s mind and inventor of triangulation, was always nothing but a Republican (and boy is he a fire-breathing one now) even when he was pretending to be a Democrat. The above are the neoconservatives and neoliberals who now run the Democratic Party.

Stop the DNC before it kills again!

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