Politics Magazine

Stop the Democratic Party Before It Kills Again!

Posted on the 14 February 2018 by Calvinthedog


The latest dangerous cretinism from the Hillary centrist wing of the DNC. This crowd is committed to bipartisan solutions on anything and everything. How can you have a bipartisan solution with a Republican Party that seems to grow more rightwing and even overtly fascist with each new day? Bipartisanship means giving the Republicans half of what they want. Hell, giving the Republicans 10% of what they want is a terrible idea.

One year into the Trump administration, the pathology of the Democrats remains the same. Whether they call themselves bipartisan, nonpartisan or consensus-driven, they’re still seeking compromise from a party that has no intention of reciprocating, even as millions of Americans are deprived a basic human right. And make no mistake, this is an inherently political act.

I think it ought to be clear right now that the Democratic Party is part of the problem, not the solution.

Some political parties are so deranged that it’s crazy to even meet them halfway.

This project aims to deal with health care in the US. It is stacked with as many Republicans as Democrats, an ominous fact. Most of the rest of the people in this group are health care executives, which ought to once more make us sit up and take notice of  what this group is all about.

Their statements are all completely vague and offer almost no clues about what this group is about. That ought to set off bells right there. Never trust a man who won’t look you in the eye or shake your hand. Why does this group have to hide its motives and aims? Because it’s trying to fool us, that’s why. Any decent political grouping should have no qualms about being up front about their project.

Because of the fact that the language is vague in pretty much every way except on these last two points—that healthcare solutions must be politically feasible, an oft-heard criticism of single-payer from the center, and that they can’t be fiscally “irresponsible,” the usual charge against Medicare for All from the right—the assumption of many on the left is that the group’s intent is to head off the growing popularity of universal healthcare in favor of less radical, more consensus-driven solutions.

Ah, anti-single payer.

This comes along at the same time as we hear that for the first time in US history, a majority of Americans now support single payer medical care. This revolutionary transformation of public opinion probably occurred due to the Republican evisceration of the flawed Obamacare. The Republican “reforms” mean that millions of Americans who were formerly covered under Obamacare are now having their healthcare stolen from them as they are being denied the benefits that they formerly had. It is this, among other things, that seems to be driving public opinion to the left on this issue.

The corporate and wealthy 1% elites in this group must have seen the writing on the wall. Upon reflection, it’s obvious what this group is – it is a shady attempt to derail the popular trajectory towards single payer and head it off at the pass by offering  piecemeal reforms that preserve the profits and ideologies of the people behind this project.

Beware of horses bearing gifts. You never know what’s in that Trojan Horse.

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