This is not a free website. Regular commenter have to make a $10 donation in order to keep commenting. Regular readers do not have to donate, but they might want to consider doing so. Membership on the Delphi Murders Forum costs $20.
Reading this site is like reading a newspaper or a newsmagazine. If you give money to the site, it is like you are buying a newspaper or magazine copy or subscription. Think of it that way. Reading for free is like going over to the newspaper rack and opening up newspapers to read without paying for them. That said, no one has to donate and people may read for free all they like, especially if they are poor. But even if you are poor, I would suggest that regular readers might want to donate $3 or so.
This site is independent media. We consistently go against the entier mainstream corporate media and we regularly expose the lies and machinations of the media and the government. We also discuss the lies and machinations of foreign governments. The motto here is, Let the Truth Shine. We are not going to knowingly lie to you about anything here. According to readers, this is the most “uncomfortably honest site on the Internet.” That’s the purpose of the site.
Although we are on the Left and this is a socialist website, we will also expose the lies and machinations and falsehoods being peddled by the Left. If the Right is correct and the Left is wrong on some particular issue, we may well side with the Right, as abhorrent and wicked as they are. All controversial issues must be evaluated for their truthfulness. Truths need to be reported on even if they make my side look bad and the other side look good. All lies and misinformation needs to be called out, even if calling out the lies makes my side look bad and the other side look good.
Although this is not my only source of income, I do not have a regular job for health reasons. Nevertheless, I work for myself and earn money that way via various income streams and this happens to be one of them. So this is one of the jobs I do in order to make money. I don’t feel like writing for this site for free. If that’s the way it is going to be, I may well just shut down the site. If you don’t see me posting for more than a day, that means that I am on strike. On strike for more wages or any wages at all. By asking for donations from this site, I am requesting to be paid for more labor. I am a worker who is asking to be compensated for his labor and hard work..I am not a beggar. I work very hard on this site, and it’s very hard work to do.
You may worry that you are making me rich. I made ~$9,000 off this site last year and $22,000 all together. That’s lower middle class, but it’s not a very good income. I figure I got paid $5/hour at most to write for this site. That’s half of the California minimum wage. If you want to know my current financial situation and whether I am feeling flush or busted broke, email me and I will let you know what is going on. I don’t expect you to donate to a rich man, but that’s not what you are doing here.