We discussed knowing your enemies in a previous post. That’s a great idea, but first you need to figure out who they are in the first place.
Assembly Line Human writes:
On the other hand, if someone who opposes me even slightly and acts like an ass, decides that’s reason to ruin me, decides to fight dirty, decides that I should be destroyed and will listen to no reason, then I don’t respect that prick. The antifa are like that. These are people I oppose and have NO respect for. They cannot be reasoned with, they don’t want to reason. They are mad dogs. I don’t respect people who act like animals. I don’t respect someone who says they’re a Trotskyite, or an “Anti-Racist Activist” because these people act like asses.
I think those antifas hate me too, and I know the Trots do. The Trots despise me and many Twat/Twot/Trot sites have existing bans on linking to me under a “no platform for fascism” thing. Most Trots are truly revolting.
On the other hand, if someone who opposes me, even slightly, acts like an arse, decides that’s reason to ruin me, decides to fight dirty, decides that I should be destroyed and will listen to no reason, then I don’t respect that prick.
Those are your enemies. Period. Anyone who thinks people like that are some sort of “friends to be reasoned with who have differing views” is insane. One of the first rules of life is not just know your enemies but identify them in the first place. That person – is an enemy! Those people – are my enemies! Of course this can lead to paranoia, but if you have a healthy ego that is not inclined to paranoia and only decide that someone is an enemy a a last resort, then I don’t see a problem with it.
I definitely have some enemies, and I am not paranoid at all. In fact, I am “anti-paranoid” in that I am inclined to believe that everyone likes me even though for sure it is not true. If you do not identify your enemies and isolate them if not get away from them, your life is going to be very unpleasant.
I think one of the main problems with people is they keep associating with “friends” who are more enemies than friends. Those are called frenemies. I have some pretty strict criteria that you need to abide by to be my friend. Really, it is not that hard to abide by it, but a lot of folks just can’t I guess.
The rules are pretty simple. I will explain it in a post.