Environment Magazine

Start Planning Now for Bidder 70s Global Release Party

Posted on the 04 March 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal
Tim speaks from the land threatened by oil and gas leases in Utah

“At this point of unimaginable threats on the horizon, this is what hope looks like. In these times of a morally bankrupt government that has sold out its principles, this is what patriotism looks like. With countless lives on the line, this is what love looks like, and it will only grow…” Tim speaks from the land threatened by oil and gas leases in Utah

Message from Tim DeChristopher’s support crew, Peaceful Uprisings: As you may have heard, Tim gets released from the prison system on April 21st, 2013 — one day before Earth Day. And we think it’s only appropriate to celebrate and welcome him home, with echoes of love resonating all over this land.On Earth Day, PeaceUp is organizing a screening of Bidder70 in Salt Lake City: the first that Tim will be able to attend since the movie premiered last year! In conjunction with this event, the filmmakers (Beth & George Gage) have partnered with a film distributor, Gathr Films, to organize countrywide simultaneous theatrical screenings.We invite YOU to BE THERE for Tim’s first PUBLIC APPEARANCE since his incarceration on July 26, 2011.From the screening in Salt Lake City, we will live-stream out the hour-long post-screening discussion and Q&A with Tim so that everyone, no matter where they are watching, will be able to participate: by watching and/or sending questions via Twitter. It wouldn’t be a true PeaceUp celebration without song, which is why we’ve invited our dear friend Bryan Cahall (whose song Arise you will recognize in the movie) to join us in a jam session as well. Eager to get involved in making all of this happen? Great!1. Sign up to host your own local screening of Bidder 70, by CLICKING HERE for the steps to become a Movie Captain. 2. Join PeaceUp in helping Gathr spread the word, by inviting your friends to their Facebook event, sharing it via the Twitter webs and updating your Facebook status3. Contribute to Bidder70′s IndieGoGo Distribution campaign, and then encourage others to do the same — to make this celebratory wave a reality!4. Come to Salt Lake City!
Many of you have been asking us about our CoRR (PeaceUp Communities of Resilient Resistance) model – and we’re really excited to announce that we’ll have a comprehensive and practical blueprint to share with you on Earth Day as well. (If you haven’t done so yet, join our mailing list.)With song, joy and resolve, always lots of that, Peaceful Uprising

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