Environment Magazine

Stand Behind Lakota Grandmothers!

Posted on the 05 April 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

Stand Behind Lakota Grandmothers!

Cross Posted from Infoshop.org

The Lakota Solidarity Project with the Lakota Cante Tenza Okolakiciye (Strong Heart Warriors) are issuing an International Call To Action for both Native and non-native Warriors, Activists, Artists, Culture-Jammers, Organizers, Community Builders, Freedom Fighters, Idle-No-More Supporters, Occupy Groups, Indignados, Organizations, Coalitions, Networks, Spiritual Communities, Elders and Youth to join us at this critical moment to help end the genocide of the traditional and grassroots Lakota Oyate (people) and support the renewal of traditional matriarchal – Grandmother led-leadership.

Release Date: March 5, 2013

Lakota Solidarity Project — LakotaGrandmothers.org


Four Directions Call to Action in Support of Traditional Lakota Grandmothers & Ending Genocide


Genocidal warfare is still being waged against the traditional and full-blood Lakota people, and to end it, we need your attention and support right now!

The Lakota Solidarity Project with the Lakota Cante Tenza Okolakiciye (Strong Heart Warriors) are issuing an International Call To Action for both Native and non-native Warriors, Activists, Artists, Culture-Jammers, Organizers, Community Builders, Freedom Fighters, Idle-No-More Supporters, Occupy Groups, Indignados, Organizations, Coalitions, Networks, Spiritual Communities, Elders and Youth to join us at this critical moment to help end the genocide of the traditional and grassroots Lakota Oyate (people) and support the renewal of traditional matriarchal – Grandmother led- leadership.

Right now, Lakota Grandmothers, Elders, Warriors, and Oyate who are the remaining traditional language speakers, culture holders, and freedom fighters, are being deliberately inflicted with conditions of life intended to bring about their destruction.

Through genocidal policies of forced assimilation only 6000-8000 Lakota still speak their language, and the average age of a Lakota speaker is 65 years old.  This makes the traditional and full-blood Elders the key to any sovereign future for their people. Otherwise, governmental policies intended to turn sovereign Lakota Oyate into United States’ resident “Native Americans” will continue until the total erasure of sovereign Lakota lands, culture, and identity.

For the Lakota people to rise out of dormancy and despair – the traditional matriarchal leaders of the people – the Grandmothers- must be heard. But they face daily abuse, neglect, enforced poverty, and direct subversion in attempts to silence their voices and keep them from reclaiming their traditional leadership roles. We cannot let this fatal system of abuse continue. We must ensure their voices and leadership are heard clearly around the world right now!


Beginning on March 15th, a broad international movement will begin to support traditional Lakota Grandmothers, Elders, Warrior-activists, and grassroots Lakota Oyate by holding the United States Government and individual State Governments accountable for their genocidal policies to the United Nations and International Community.

Join us in creating a barrage of creative publicity, attention, and support from the Four Directions in solidarity with these courageous Elders and activists so they will be heard. All culturally appropriate forms of solidarity action are welcomed and needed. In addition to our organized actions, we encourage the use of music, dance, language, art, theatre, and other creative actions to bring attention to their cause.


March 15th: Start of the international movement to end Lakota genocide and support the return of Lakota matriarchal leadership. Will You Stand Behind the Lakota Grandmothers?

March:  Sneak peeks of feature-length Lakota Documentary “Red Cry”.

April 1st:  Official premier of Lakota Documentary “Red Cry” in Rapid City, SD, Lakota Territory.

April 1st -17th:  Lakota Elders Truth Tour begins a 12 city journey of education and awareness on the way to the United Nations in New York and the White House in Washington DC.

April 9th:  International Day of Solidarity Action.  Official Complaint of Genocide is released to the United Nations and International Community.

April 16th:  International Vigil in support of Lakota visiting Washington DC to meet with the U.S. Government.


For more information or to get involved call LSP at (828) 338-9781.

On Pine Ridge, contact Cante Tenza headman Canupa Gluha Mani at 605-517-1547.

Email: LakotaSolidarity [at] gmail.com

Webpages:  LakotaGrandmothers.org  &  CanteTenza.wordpress.com

Facebook “Strong Heart Lakota Solidarity”.


The Lakota Solidarity Project (LSP) is a history making social justice collaboration between traditional Tetuwan Lakota Elders from Pine Ridge Reservation and a growing group of native and non-native solidarity activists directed by the Lakota Strong Heart Warrior Society. In togetherness, we are growing an international movement to end the genocide of the Lakota people and support the renewal of matriarchal leadership from Lakota Grandmothers on Pine Ridge and across the Lakota Nation. Learn more about LSP online at http://cantetenza.wordpress.com

The LSP is an all-volunteer (no paid staff) group formed in March 2011 by the Cante Tenza Okolakiciye (Strong Heart Warriors) and Four Directions Solidarity Network. We grow revolutionary solidarity with Indigenous rights struggles using the latest in media and organizing tools but led, directed and inspired by traditional Lakota elders and activists. In addition to education and advocacy in support of Lakota Elders and their struggles of resistance, we also train non-natives in Indigenous solidarity best practices, decolonization, anti-racism, and ending cultural theft

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