Politics Magazine

Stages of Puberty and Onset of the Sex Drive in American Females 2010-2017

Posted on the 16 March 2017 by Calvinthedog

Fancy title,  eh? I’m sure most journals would not touch it with a 10 foot pole and an 11 foot extension, but here at Beyond Highbrow, frankly Margaret, we don’t give a damn.

I went on the Net and cruised around to various forums where young teenage girls were discussing this very subject. The girls were asking each other at what age various sexually related events had taken place. It was often in the form of a quiz. I am sure all these girls are pedophiles for talking about this topic. Please call the police.

I went through enough posts to where I had a sample size of ~100, which ought to be good enough.

Results for Age of Puberty in Girls in the US, 2013-2016

Onset of pubic hair: Age 12.

Well, who needs that anymore anyway! Nevertheless, nature continues to at least provide us with something to be shaven off, though we men who came of age in the bushwhacking 1970’s and 1980’s have never understood this obsession of women to look like little girls. It feels almost creepy and pedo to us. We older men are used to hiking in the deep forests, not the barren deserts.

This answer was quite unanimous. Almost all girls reported onset of pubic hair at age 12. I did not think that the female sex drive came on with pubic hair onset. Instead, sex drive onset seemed to come on one year later at age ~13. Pubic hair if not shaved off takes about two years to reach its maximum growth, so adult-like pubic hair should be apparently in girls by age 14. At first it is rather sparse, but in no time at all there is a mountain or mons of thick chaparral down there.

Onset of breasts: Apparently age 10.

This was never asked, but it is generally about two years before the onset of pubic hair, so the answer must be age 10. I do not think that girls with breast onset necessarily have much of a sex drive. We have a few around the complex here. The 10 and 11 year olds are just little girls with no drive at all, and the 12 year olds, now quite shy and suspicious of men, don’t seem to have much of one either.

Age at first masturbation: Age 13, a few at age 12 and a couple at age 14.

Girls nowadays are quite different than from when I was growing up when female masturbation was a shameful and often-denied activity. I was absolutely stunned to find out that most of the girls on the boards not only started masturbating at age 13, but they also quickly figured out how to have an orgasm. If you know women, you know once they figure out how to get that orgasm, most are addicted for life. Most women I date masturbate regularly, often every single day. And this goes form age 18 all the way up to age 50 – they keep rubbing and rocking the whole way. Most modern American women figure that if there’s no man around, you let your fingers do the walking. I guess that reward is just too tempting to pass up.

Even more stunning was my discovery that not only were almost all 13 year old girls masturbating but they had taken it up with a shocking gusto. Most of the 13 years on those boards were masturbating to orgasm every day. A few several times a week. A few “any chance I get” or “whenever I can.”

So your average 13 year old girl in the US in this era is masturbating to orgasm every day or nearly every day.

I don’t know about you, but I find that finding shocking.

Onset of the sex drive:

Age 13. This was not discussed, but if girls go from masturbating to orgasm zero times a year to 365 times a year, there’s some explaining to do. The onset of frenetic masturbation nowadays seems logically to be the onset of the sex drive in American females.

Onset of menstruation or menarche: Apparently age 13.

This was not discussed for some reason but face it it’s not the most pleasant topic. I have known quite a few women who dread this time of the month and would be glad to get rid of the whole process. Onset of menarche is usually about 1-2 years after the onset of pubic hair. With pubic hair onset at age 12 nowadays and the explosive sex drive coming merely one year later, it is logical to assume that the onset of the female sex drive and menarche are pretty much the same thing.

That makes sense. Menarche means the female is ready to have babies. 13 is quite a bit too young for that, but Nature has other ideas. Babies are created not by storks but by sexual intercourse or penis in vagina (PIV) sex. If the body is ready to make babies, you would think that the body would turn on the baby making process and the act that leads to it at pretty much the same time, no?

It is interesting but rather disturbing that there is almost no research or even talk about this sort of thing on the Net. I guess Onset of the Female Sex Drive in Modern American Females just sounds way too pedo and creepy for most folks. But it’s a legitimate question, as all medical questions are. We all live in our bodies (some of us regretfully) so it’s perfectly legitimate to find out how our bodies work. We reside here temporarily in something called a lifespan, so it’s rational to learn about the body changes that occur in that time frame, including the development ones before we mature.

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