Hair & Beauty Magazine

Spring Shopping

By Carrie Berschman @CarrieBerschman
Hello again my fabulous friends! Spring is nearly here, and I'm beyond ready to bare my arms [mostly because I've been toning them] and pack up my boots for storage! It's safe to say I have Spring fever. Like a really bad case of it...and luckily the last week has allowed me to shed a few layers!
With all of that said, I have been doing some cleaning around my apartment [took a bunch of stuff from my closet to the Goodwill sale @ Younkers-- where do you like to take your gently used items?] and thus I have another reason to believe I need to shop. ;) 
I definitely don't shop for too many trendy, flashy items. When it comes to everyday, I am all about dressing fashionably basic. Each season, I like to incorporate some new pieces that reflect this. But mostly, I was on the hunt for some more casual tees. Here is what I found on a recent little venture out to the mall. 
Spring Shopping
These red flats came from Target and were on sale for $11.98.
Spring Shopping
These laser cut flats came from Gap. [Did you see my trend post? I was clearly on point!] PLEASE notice the price tag and gasp in amazement.I can't hardly type this without feeling silly...but they were also an additional 30% off. WUT?My bestie over at A Hammer & Heels recently posted a picture on instagram of her new neon yellow flats and I was immediately obsessed, so when I saw these, I knew they had to be mine.
Spring Shopping
Just a cute little elephant tee from Target :)
Spring Shopping
These two basic tops came from Gap as well. The fit is perfect & most importantly, they were 40% off!Here is a better view on the model:
Spring Shopping
Spring Shopping
I also, for some reason, thought I needed another Lulu jacket. I am in love with it.
SHOP:Target flats || Gap flats- good option here || Target elephant tee- similar here and here || Gap tees || Lululemon jacket- options here 
Happy Wednesday! 
Who will cheering for in the NCAA tournament that kicks off this week? I'm rooting for my home team, ISU, all the way! :)

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