Reading the daily mail i saw a papped Rihanna coming from Ashton Kutchers house, now this isn't a gossip blog post of the slightest. I was actually more interested in what she was wearing. she looks like a badass 1950's housewife with the bandanna in her hair. bright red lips, bright red nails and most of all the bright red polka dot heels on her feet. Wearing a Vlieger & Vandam handbag and a gun around her neck certainly defies the whole 1950's housewife which is why i love this look so much. Breaking the rules i what spring is all about.

To-Die-For Shoes This Spring:Its all about the shoes with straps, pointed toes, platform wedges, bold prints, two toned colours, snakeskin and yes the gladiators are back this spring so heres a few to catch your eye.

Thanks for reading
Leigh xo