Fashion Magazine

Spread Your Wings

By Inafarawaytree @EmilyJ_S

I'm getting itchy feet, I want to travel. I want to lift life, twist it upside down and drop it on it's head. Okay there are holiday's, but then there is another type of break - where your somewhere really, really different. I want to discover the thing's from between pages, the kind of places I dream about. There are so many beautiful places in the world that I just can't wait to see! If only money wasn't an option. I have been to some amazing places before, thanks to my mom and they really taught me a lot, I'm ready to see some more now!  Some places have so many stories to tell and are so untouched, they are full of amazing thing's that we don't get to see everyday. I'd also love a job somewhere like that, I don't care about the wages, just somewhere where you interact with lots of people and can look forward to waking up in the morning. There are some beautiful places in Europe, but I want to go further too.

So i've compiled a traveling list and who know's, maybe one day I'll get to travel to them, it would certainly make for some more interesting blog posts! 

MalaysiaVisiting Borneo has long been a dream of mine, not only for it holding the densest collection of Orangutan's, but also for it's low population in it's more rural area's. There is so much wildlife here, as well as some fantastic sight's to see, the climate is warm and the air is healthy. What to do at the weekend? Perhap's take a trip to a rainforest to discover an Orangutan, a Proboscis Monkey or even an Asian elephant?Spread your wings
Sorrento/Tuscany ItalyBoth beautiful towns in a beautiful country. Less tropical but so relaxed and humble. The food would be gorgeous, the shop's beautiful and the lifestyle so comfortable, balmy and happy. Also I would love to visit the 1866 abandoned mill in Sorrento. With a cute little town house and the sea on your doorstep, you could take a walk down to the bakery to get some fresh bread and pick your own fruit from the garden and I could make jam, jam and more jam. Spread your wings
ColombiaNow I am not completely sure about the rest of the country, so this may just be a half-hearted input, BUT the Haunted Hotel in Tequendama Fall's is absolutely amazing! I don't plan to live in it, but I plan on spending a lot of time looking at it.Spread your wings
Wallonia, Belgium
A beautiful town by the water, with lots of history and heritage sights. A quaint town with lots of picturesque sights and walks, beautiful shops with handmade things and lots of chocolate, what more could you want?! There are also some beautiful building's and ruins. Spread your wings
Hallstatt, Austria

Woowwweeee, how picture perfect is this place? From the first time I saw it on The Hairy Bikers, I was hooked, I've searched for houses there, restaurants etc. etc. I think I'm in love, it's the place of fairytales. This is definitely a place I would love to visit, I don't think I'd be able to stop taking pictures. Spread your wings

The Milford Track, Matamata and Waikato River; New ZealandOkay so the Milford Track, a beautiful lake surrounded by forests, tree's and hilltops - again sticking with the fairytale theme. It's a famous hiking track and i'm itching to get my backpack and hiking boot's on to stroll through this amazing scenery. There are beautiful rivers and lakes, mountains, waterfalls, mossy verges and plenty of wildlife. It's an all round tranquil location which in the sunshine would be perfect for lazy picnics and long hikes. 

Spread your wings

Matamata is an area which is beautiful, but my main focus would be the nearby Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit setting, Hobbiton. I love Lord of the Ring's and throughout the films the mystical, breathtaking and green scenery is something I am enchanted by and I think the attraction would be amazing, complete with beautiful authentic Hobbit holes! 
Spread your wings

The Waikato River comes from Lake Taupo, it's completely crystal clear blue and looks like a fresh pool. It's another great spot for hiking, especially to the Huka falls. A gorgeous sun spot it's again, something from a story. Breathtaking views and amazing picture's I can imagine it would feel kind of surreal walking alongside the crystal water's and pouring Waterfall. 

Spread your wings

Anyway, daydreaming over, back to work, but definitely something I will be thinking about for a long time. Just some food for thought people, don't just settle, thrive...Time to spread your wings!
Spread your wings

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