Books Magazine

Spotlight: Burial Rites by Hannah Kent #BurialRites

By Megan Love Literature Art & Reason @meganm922
BURIAL RITES PB - NEW Burial Rites  by Hannah Kent Northern Iceland, 1829.
A woman condemned to death for murdering her lover.
A family forced to take her in.
A priest tasked with absolving her.
But all is not as it seems, and time is running out: winter is coming, and with it the execution date.
Only she can know the truth. This is Agnes's story.
  <\/param><\/embed><\/object><\/div>";" />  image Burial Rites is going to become a movie and it is rumored that Jennifer Lawrence will play the roles of Agnes. Check out the links below:  
Lionsgate in talks for Burial Rites with Gary Ross and Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lawrence set to play killer in Icelandic drama Burial Rites
For more information about Burial Rites and the author, check out the website: Burial Rites
Find out what the fuss is about and read the book before it becomes a movie!
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