Destinations Magazine

Sponsored Video : "innocent - Chain of Good"

By Simonea

The lovely people at innocent smoothies recently launched a new campaign, the "Chain of Good".
January seems to be the No.1 month for eating heathily and for re-starting our five a day fruits & vegetables....following the excess of Christmas, we tend to start the year with good intentions.
My children both have packed lunches at school and they've been drinking innocent smoothies for years, they love them - and I like them too, they're healthy & delicious. I'm a fan of innocent as they're a brand who always seem interested in doing good, in thinking about the wider good.
So, it was with interest that I heard about the Chain of Good campaign....the concept behind it is that you drink the smoothies, the smoothies are good for you & in turn innocent makes a donation of 10% to a charity with the aim of doing good & leaving the world a little better off. Great idea.
The Chain of Good video above takes a light-hearted look at what would happen without the "chain of good", what would happen if we didn't drink the smoothies.
At the end of the day though, your body benefits, as does a charity & an individual somewhere else on the planet.
Good for you, good for other people.
It's a no-brainer as they say.

Since 2004 innocent has donated 10% of its profits = £5.4million to charities around the world.
This post has been sponsored by innocent but all words are my own.

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